Haunted Girl
Friday, July 27, 2012
Flying The Ghostly Skies
A friend's cousin, who has long believed she is targeted by spirits, both friendly and otherwise, snapped some photos out the window of...
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Well then *ahem*
I finally remembered my password after not posting for so long. Admittedly, I've become jaded on paranormal events as, always eager to ...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Jessie Blue Crying Grave
Legend read on Shadowlands.net Location of investigation: Parks cemetery, Hwy alt.17, Summerville, South Carolina The Story: A toddler-age ...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm not in the realm of haunting, I swear....
I just haven't been anywhere morbidly interesting in awhile, and yes, I am itchy for some action of that subject. I recently read ab...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hanging Around (literally) in Chucktown
The most macabre story on our downtown Charleston (SC) ghost & dungeon tour concerned a tall and wide building that on the bottom floor ...
Sound Weird and Smart
Recommended reading for humans with a macabre bent. I just pulled these from my bookshelf, I am sure there are many more. Information to s...
Serious Motion Blur or Seriously Obvious Ghost?
Bought my first Victorian Post Mortem pic on eBay a few months ago. Granted, it is not my favorite type, which would be people propped up in...
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