Years later, another death occured, and the tomb was re-opened for its new resident. To the shock of everyone present, a skeleton tumbled out in front of them. Seems the girl they had interred years before was only in a coma, and once awakened, fought her way out of her flimsy coffin but was too weakened by disease to budge the masoleum door. Scratch marks covered the door from her panic before she died, trapped. The tomb still stands but there is no door. Rumor has it any attempt to close the tomb, even with saran wrap, will be ripped open overnight.

cemetery with legare tomb in the distance

the infamous masoleum

me, inside the tomb. the memorials behind me did not have a female name

the first "broken column" tombstone I have seen down south, in the distance

weather makes interesting patterns on old tombstones

a small grave marker found under a pile of leaves. it provided no date, only initials

I tripped over this one, so had to take a pic

someday, I shall have a fence like this.....
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